Mike Babineau
Mike also has 22 years of experience performing general police duties including various uniform and investigative assignments.
Mike is the recipient of several awards including the Canadian Police Exemplary Service Medal and Bar. He is the recipient of two Commendations from the Chief of Police, as well as 37 letters of commendation.
Mike holds instructor ratings on numerous small arms and less-lethal weapons including O.C. spray and the Advanced TASER.
From 2000 until his retirement, Sgt. Babineau was the Senior Firearms Instructor for the Toronto Police Service and Administrative assistant to the Armament Officer and as such was responsible for developing and delivering firearms training and tactical training exercises for all Toronto Police Officers.
In 2003, Mike was appointed a Provincial Constable for the Province of Prince Edward Island mandated to instruct firearms and Tactics at the Atlantic Police Academy.
In 2008 Mike retired from the Police Service and was recruited as a lead Tactical Instructor for a Nuclear Tactical Response Force Unit based in the Province of Ontario. He, along with the rest of the Tactical Training Section were tasked with the development of course training standards and designing, delivering and evaluating training for the Nuclear Tactical Response Force Unit teams.
Mike continues to consult and instruct for several professional organizations including Frontline Training and Tactical Products as well as CT 707.