This course is not geared towards teaching Officers/Operators how to shoot. Instead, this section will focus on two primary objectives -teaching the shooting system necessary to recover from the -5 to the +5 and keeping the Officer/Operator in the optimal disposition during a dynamic deadly force engagement against a determined threat.
The vast majority of all shooting systems used in the Law Enforcement community in North America are based on cognitive shooting principles and competition/sport shooting techniques. Cognitive shooting principles will only be effective if the officer is in the physical or proverbial low ready position before the threat begins to shoot (the +5).
When an officer is caught by surprise in a deadly force engagement (the -5), instinctive response mechanisms dominate cognitive methods 100% of the time. If the officer is engaged in a ‘surprise’ attack and the officer’s shooting platform is based on a cognitive shooting method/system, the officer’s mind and body will respond in a manner that will entirely negate any ingrained muscle memory. This will cause a large differential between what the officer’s body is trained to do with the firearm and what the officer’s body will actually be doing.
This will decrease the odds of a successful hit ratio, meaning fewer rounds impacting the officer’s intended target and more rounds going astray potentially impacting potential innocent civilians in the area.
This section will focus on Handgun and Long gun applications. Some of the elements covered in this section include:
- Principles for effective survival strategies in a deadly force engagement
- Understanding the differences between engaging a criminal and engaging a terrorist
- Controlling and dominating a deadly force engagement from the -5
- Threat identification under stress in a crowded environment
- Effective instinctive shooting / recovery method principles
- Engaging threats at various angles and multiple threats
- Closing distance
- Two and one-handed shooting
- Re-loading and clearing malfunctions under stress (one and two hands)
- Proper use of cover during a violent engagement
- Engaging an armed threat in a crowded environment
- Ensuring the threat has been neutralized and the environment is secure
- Close range impact tactics, controlling distance/transitioning from cold to hot weapon